ENplus® is the world's leading certification scheme for the quality of wood pellets and quality assurance for their production and logistics. Licenser for ENplus® is the European Pellet Council (EPC). ENplus® is a transparent and independent scheme that guarantees quality and anti-fraud throughout the production-to-supply chain. Maximal transparency and a continuous surveillance of the pellet quality are guaranteed using regular internal inspections, a system of retain samples and documentation obligations.


ENplus® operates as a third-party certification scheme, which guarantees full impartiality. This means that conformity is assessed by accredited independent organizations.

Certification Bodies

Independent organisations known as Certification Bodies are competent to judge whether an applying company complies with the requirements, or if its certificate should be suspended. All listed Certification Bodies are accredited and approved by the Head Office. Listed certification bodies

Inspection and Testing Bodies

Inspection Bodies are in charge of conducting scheduled and unscheduled audits of certified companies or companies willing to enter the scheme. Testing Bodies are in charge of conducting a set of standardised laboratory test on product samples. The results are then communicated to the selected Certification Body, which decides whether to deliver the ENplus® certificate. All listed Inspection and Testing Bodies are accredited and approved by the Head Office. Listed inspection Bodies   Listed Testing Bodies


A valid ENplus® certificate attests that the respective company fulfils all the requirements of ENplus® and that continuous surveillance inspections are carried out by an external inspection body.


Labeling of ENplus® certified pellets on bag labels or delivery documents is implemented in a way that end-consumers can control origin and quality class of their pellets easily. The origin of the pellets is stated transparently by an individual identification number for every producer and trader, the so called “ENplus® ID”. The ENplus® ID has five characters - the country code of the respective producer or trader in combination with a tree-digit number - and is allocated by the European Pellet Council (EPC) in the course of initial certification. To serve transparency and traceability the ENplus ID is stated on every ENplus certificate additionally to the individual ENplus® certificate number. Furthermore every certificate contains the specification if the wood pellets meet quality class A1 or quality class A2. Both quality classes stand for a high quality product with defined properties but for quality class A2 a higher content of ash is allowed.


LITBK is testing body in ENplus® certification process and can assist you in selecting certification and inspection bodies.


LITBK provides the wood pellet testing service as required by ENplus® Handbook, Part 3 - Pellet Quality Requirements (Version 3.0, August 2015)and beyond the certification process. Our clients are from different countries all over the world. Manufacturers or distributors of pellets that are certified or willing to check their product can contact LITBK for testing. Contact us for more information.

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