Samples for laboratory analysis may be accepted for testing in one of the following ways:
1. Brought to the LITBK reception area by the client;
2. Shipped to LITBK via courier service (at the client's expense);
3. To be obtained on-site at the clients by LITBK employees who perform sampling
If you would like a visit from our sampling expert, you should request this 24 hours in advance by phone or e-mail.
Samples for laboratory analyzes must be accompanied by:
1. Test request FK 7.1.01 - required, to be filled in for each sample (downloadtest request here)
2. Sampling report (if available), if sampling was not performed by our staff.
3. Other document (optional) letter, request, protocol indicating the wish to take the test and additional sample information.
Test request FK 7.1.01 shall be completed clearly and legibly by hand or by computer and shall be signed. If you are unable to do alone, on the place or by telephone, we will help you to fill the document. The staffs on reception or LITBK sampling experts check supporting documents and accept samples for analysis
Test samples shall not be accepted where:
• have no supporting documents;
• the data in the test request is incomplete;
• the integrity of the packaging is impaired during transportation.
Minimum quantities of samples to be analyzed
The amount of sample to be analyzed is in accordance with the guidance described in the regulatory documents, standardized methods and depends on the characteristics tested.
Time to complete the test
Up to 5 working days
Method of payment
In the case of a test contract, the payment method is described in the contract. In all other cases, upon receipt of the test sample, a payment document shall be drawn up in accordance with your payment method desires. For bank transfers, on the day you receive the sample at LITBK, we send you an invoice for payment at e-mail.
Obtaining test reports
Test reports may also be issued in English at the request of the client, with no additional charge for the service. Upon advance payment for the laboratory services, the test reports can be received at the laboratory reception or sent to the address by courier specified in the test request.
Dear customers, after completing your order we kindly ask you to fill FK 7.6.01 Questionnaire. We aim to better meet your requirements, improve the quality of work in our laboratory and improve our operations. Your opinion is important to us and would help improve the work and relationships with our clients.
Client presence during sample testing
Customers who wish to attend the sample test need to read the "Access to LITBK Rules". This does not apply to persons leaving samples for analysis.